It's been a week since I had my surgery and everything is going good. I'm taking occasional 20 units of Lantus (insulin) a day when needed, I used to take 100 units of Lantus twice a day to control my sugar levels. As for my full liquid diet, I've been eating apple sauce, sugar-free pudding, cream of chicken, drinking sips of water, Powerade zero and my protein shakes. The capacity the pouch can handle is only 4 oz at this time, it is recommended I only eat or drink 2 oz at a time every 15 minutes which is not really a big deal since I feel full right away. I also already stopped taking my pain medication two days after surgery as it's not needed anymore and I can tolerate my pain without it, my doctor also allowed me to drive again.
Weighed in at 313 this morning, I have lost 16 pounds since surgery.
Total weight loss (since pre-op diet):
39 pounds