I did it! I hit my first goal. I can say I'm officially not a 300 pounder anymore. I actually had a stall which is common on the 3rd week after surgery and I was stuck at 300 even for 4 days. I know you're not supposed to weigh yourself everyday but I was just too excited to get to my goal I was rushing to find out.
Also been doing good with recovery from my surgery, I started going to the gym to do a 30-minute walk on the threadmill three times last week. As for my diet, I'm done with the full liquids and now am able to eat soft/mushy foods like mashed potatoes, ground meats, mashed vegetables, tuna in water, soft cheese and can do 3oz at a time now. Liquid intake is at least 64 oz a day as to not get dehydrated.
I got to see my surgeon last week for my 2 week post-op and he is really happy about my weight loss and recovery. I have not taken any medications since last week since I do not need them anymore and my sugar levels are now controlled. Also my belt is already too loose so I tried to punch a new hole through and it was such a project so I just used a drill and it's so much easier.Total Weight Loss:
55 lbs